Melbourne athletic development Blog

That is impossible to measure.

Two weeks ago we spoke about objectivity and how using objective measurements is often helpful in establishing a clear and unbiased picture of what is occurring. But what happens when the objective data doesn't provide the full picture?  A recent article by Lluc...

The false economy of health, performance and physical training. 

‘You must look at the fundamentals’. You hear this phrase often in finance circles. And for the most part it has been an accurate principle to live by. But as we have shifted into the information age, the age of fake news, the age of hype and bs, we have seen things...


We have spoken a number of times about our perception of reality and how this changes the way we view the world and act in accordance with this world view. In a previous discussion the idea of predictive coding was highlighted. That is the idea that our prediction of...

Outsmarting your brain. 

In our last article we spoke about the impact that mental fatigue has on physical performance and particularly on endurance capability. And with general life and performance stress high in elite and semi elite sport environments the reality is that mental fatigue is...

Your brain is tired.

Following on from last weeks article. I started to look at some of the discussions that may shed light on why periods of high stress (academic or otherwise) can lead to increased injury risk. Now there are a number of physiological mechanisms that change when we are...

When you can’t outrun the noise.

In the last few months we have had a number of discussions surrounding life stress and the impact that this has had on the development of injury. Now for many of you that worked through the periods of lockdown I am sure that you noticed a similar pattern. To me it was...

You can’t always get what you want, you get what you need.

Our latest education snippet highlight looked at the use of Needs Analysis in the development of understanding musculoskeletal injuries or performance problems. Typically  Needs Analysis frameworks are used in business, design and technology settings. The primary...

When things go wrong.

Something that is often not spoken about in professional settings whether it be a healthcare or a sports performance environment is dealing with less than satisfactory outcomes. Now it is not for one moment that anyone is naive to think that they will not have...