Melbourne athletic development Blog

How do I accelerate off the mark faster? 

Working across multiple sports, particularly field based sports a question that I invariably get when people find out I am also a sprint coach is how do I get faster for sport. And more specifically how do I accelerate off the mark faster? Sprinting looks simple,...

What a pain in the back.

It is probably the most common injury complaint that we see as physical therapists. Back Pain. Not only is it common but it can be debilitating. As many of you know we work heavily with athletic injuries and it may come as a surprise but back pain in athletes is more...

How exercise can become a little too sweet.

It is almost ubiquitous now that exercise is good for you. Whether it is low intensity, high intensity, resistance or otherwise, each and all exercise has its benefits. But is there an upper limit? Many people will have heard of over-training. And if it is prolonged...

Hamstring injuries and the need for speed.

Hamstring injuries continue to present a major injury burden for all sports that involve high speed running. From the pitch to the track, hamstring strain injuries present a problem with many contributing factors driving the injury bus. So it is no surprise that there...

Can I push through a niggling injury? 

A few weeks ago AFL fans would recall that there was significant discussion about the injury status of Carlton player Patrick Cripps. He was playing poorly, looked slower than normal and was visibly in discomfort following high impact physical contests. Reports...