My Courses

  • Using competition to drive the needle of performance and return from injury.

    Building upon our last article I have had a number of discussions with colleagues about using competition strategically to develop certain features that you cannot always get in training settings, or at least are not as easy to attain. Even when you set up training at the same intensity and regularity of a competition. The…

  • What matters for competition success?

    I have had a few discussions this week with colleagues and students about preparing for competitions particularly across a season of longer duration. The literature is relatively clear on what will prepare athletes to perform well at major competitions, with much of the work discussed by researcher such as Inigo Mujika and Greg Haff suggesting…

  • Investing in people, not performances.

    Over the last few weeks I have had numerous discussions with coaches, health practitioners and students about some of the challenges of coaching, particularly in an Olympic sport such as track and field in Australia. These challenges vary greatly, from resources to facility access, to finances and juggling competing lifestyle factors such as career. And…

  • Using predictive coding.

    In our last article we introduced the concept of predictive coding or predictive planning. As highlighted it is the concept of we behave in the world is based not on the objective reality, but on how we perceive our world. And accordingly, we make predictions about how we and our physiology should behave and adapt…

  • Mindset Matters, but maybe not how you think.

    We have spent the last few articles discussing the use of various approaches and the manipulation of training inputs to improve the preparation and robustness of athletes in the face of competitive sport.  And a recent podcast featuring John Kiely and interviewer, Ross Tucker, explore a concept that shapes how well our programming and training…

  • Not only when but how to push.

    The last discussion highlighted that as a nation and a sporting population we can often get infatuated with the idea that we are working hard, even when the training that we are doing may not transfer that well to our sport. There is no substitute for seeking improvement through the physical and psychological stressors that…

  • When to push and when not to. A deeper discussion.

    Following our last article we had a few discussions that opened up some thoughts and ideas that are not always explored in sports performance. We mentioned this in the article, however it may have not been obvious that the clear area that changed for the Melbourne Football Club was philosophical more than anything. The general…

  • When to push and when not to.

    I get asked every week by a patient in the clinic whether the best course of action with their current injury is to stop all activity until it recovers. And so when I saw a recent discussion with Darren Burgess discussing this very topic I felt it was a good time to discuss it here. …

  • Psychology and Athletic Injuries.

    As health professionals and also in sports performance I think it becomes clear early on that our brain and the psychology that goes with it affects performance and injury in weird and wonderful ways. None more so has this been evident in the last 20 months of COVID. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not…

  • Hamstring Rehabilitation across the spectrum.

    In our previous article we discussed the building understanding of the contribution of the hamstrings in the production of horizontal forces during acceleration and running tasks. And as we mentioned we have been using this understanding to assess hamstring injuries across multiple tasks, directions of movement and velocities. With this in mind the biggest factor…