My Courses

  • Is stretching valuable for athletic performance?

    We deal with a high proportion of track and field athletes as patients in our clinic. Sprinters, jumpers and throwers all have common attributes – good discipline, and more interestingly high level of body awareness. It makes sense, these are athletes who generally have a short window to perform and extremely demanding endeavour so the…

  • Shoe selection in running.

    Minimal, cushioning, barefoot?  Maybe it doesn’t matter.  The last 10 years have seen the barefoot and minimalist running revolution come and maybe even go, however it is a question that I get daily from patients. What kind of shoes should I wear? And how should I run to minimise the impact on the ground, should…

  • Do more training to get less injured. 

    Having higher training load exposure over time in team sports may reduce injury risk.  How can this be? A recent investigation by Bowen et al 2019 in English Premier league soccer players, showed that it was not high training loads, but spikes in training loads that appeared to increase risk of getting soft tissue or…

  • Pain is the most overrated symptom

    I recently read an interesting article by arthritis rehabilitation researcher Ewa Roos from the University of Southern Denmark. The title for the article is the perfect discussion point for something that we have been discussing in the clinic, ‘If your knee hurts, keep exercising’. This may sound insensitive, however pain is as suggested, a symptom.…

  • Same injury. Different athletes. Different rehabilitation? 

    I recently had a conversation with one of the physiotherapists in the clinic about tailoring rehabilitation to type of athlete. Athlete profiling has become more popular in recent sports science research. In particular the work of JB Morin and his team have started to highlight that in running and jumping athletes the force-velocity profile of…

  • I have ruptured my ACL. What are my chances of getting back to high level sport?

    We have had a number of people come in recently who have unfortunately ruptured the anterior cruciate ligament in their knee. The first question that often gets asked is when will I return? And will I be able to play at the same level?  Firstly let’s talk about what the ACL ligament is. The ACL…

  • My back hurts. Should I get a scan?

    When people present with back pain, particularly if it is persistent or of high intensity, they will often ask if they require imaging. It is understandable. We want to know why we have pain, what the structure is that is causing pain, and by having greater understanding of the pain, treat the specific cause.  Imaging…

  • Decision making and opportunity cost.

    Opportunity cost is not typically spoken about when it comes to injuries. Classically it is referred to in the business, financial or investment fields. It refers to the loss of alternatives by committing to one alternative or option. This may not seem like something that affects injury management, however after reviewing the previous two blog…

  • How early should you start rehabilitation following a muscle strain injury?

    It used to be thought that waiting to start rehabilitation on a muscle strain injury would improve the outcomes and reduce the likelihood of having a re-injury of the same muscle.  However research is starting to show that early intervention and loading reduces the time for return to activity, and does not add to increasing…

  • Can sprinting prevent hamstring injuries? 

    Sprinting is a stressful task for any athlete in any sport. However the idea that you will have less hamstring injuries by sprinting is not popular. Given that high speed running is the most common mechanism of injury, Askling et al, It was interesting to read a recent paper by researchers in Australia, Freeman et…